“Make the impossible possible, the possible easy, the easy elegant”

Moshe Feldenkrais

“Movement is life; without movement, life is unthinkable”

Looking to improve your riding technique?  How about improving the quality of your life in general?

Take a moment to indulge in an Awareness Through Movement class and it may set you up on a life’s journey towards self-discovery and improvement in ways you have never imagined possible. 

About Awareness Through Movement Lessons

The lessons are 45min in duration, consisting of repeated gentle movements with variations.

They are structured such that the participants are encouraged to sense and explore each movement.  In doing so, the participants may become more aware of their habitual movement, opening ways in which new movement patterns can be initiated. 

It is recommended that comfortable activewear be worn to class.  Mats are provided. 

Awareness Through Movement Lessons are therapy sessions, not an exercise class.  There is no age limit, and is facilitated to maximise comfort level for pre-existing physical conditions. 



